Friday, September 13

3 Fkucing Laws of Management

*3 Fucking Laws of Management

If you learn them, no one can beat you in Corporate Management, but unfortunately even Harvard Business School do not teach them...*🤔!

1. *Fucking Law of Delivery Time -* No matter how hard and fast you fuck, the child comes after 9 months.
*Moral -* Pressurizing does not alter delivery period.

2. *Fucking Law of Direction -* Even though both holes  are nearby, if by a wrong shot, you enter the wrong hole, no matter how hard you fuck, you never get a child.
*Moral -* Right direction and focus is very important to get the results, even few centimeters away from right direction, even if it gives satisfaction, cannot lead to results.

3. *Fucking Law of Human Resources -* By appointing 4 men to fuck 1 woman, you cannot get 4 children, but if you appoint one man to fuck  4 women, you can get 4 children.
*Moral -* Appoint the right person at the right position. Otherwise you would keep on wondering, why you are not getting the results even after appointing more men. And appoint more women.😉       

```This is why sex education is necessary and should be a part of
 *National Skills Development Program!*

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