Saturday, January 16

Google Location On

When you allow Google/Facebook to know your location

Wednesday, January 13

Saree Fashion Trend

Ethnic Saree fashion 2050 forecast as per the current trend of various celebrities and designers.

Saturday, January 9

Data Leaked

Your data leaked by social media platform, 
But then you realiZe your data is as worthless aa you are!!

Privacy Policy Changed

We have updated our privacy policy.
#facebook #whatsapp #google

Tuesday, January 5

Wednesday, December 30

Tuesday, December 29

Attractive Tribe - Belly Beautiful

In the Odi tribe, Ethipoia, the most Desirable men are those with the largest Bellies.
(Think you were born in the tribe?)

Browsing Christmas Gifts

Daddy's computer browsing history can get you any Gifts you want!!

Monday, December 28

At Heaven's Door

God's messenger showing your social media posts, when you want to go to heaven!! 

Stuff You May Like

Never check your weight after Drinking