Tuesday, September 6

Caution! Car Sticker

Car Sticker 
'Caution! Keep Distance ! 
This car BRAKES at every Liquor Store'

Weird Sculpture Art

Weird Sculpture Art - Banana Installation

Friday, August 12

New Words Signboard

The more you look at this sign board, the more you will find the new words! 
Mobile Repear 
#Cell Paint
#Mobile Sails
#Sony Erection
#Eye Phone

Wednesday, July 13

Dear Problems

seen on windshield of a car,

"Dear problems, give me some discounts, I am your regular customer"

Sunday, June 26

Thursday, June 16

Men's Day

Men Don't Need Men's Day, 
just Happy Hours is sufficient.

Monday, June 6

Court Evidence of Viagra thieves

Big visgra shipment was stolen. Cops looking for gang of 'hardened' criminals.
Will the evidence stand in court trial?

Thursday, May 26

Driving Skill

Remember the days when you first started driving and everything was scary.
Now you are speeding over 80 and putting salsa on your taco!

Stuff You May Like

Election Voting